Is B Corp Certification Worth It?

The Benefits and Considerations of B Corp Certification

This read in a glance:

  • The B Corp movement is getting more attention, with accompanying scrutiny

  • B Corp consists of three main elements: the methodology, B Lab, and the B Corp movement

  • We break down the benefits and considerations of B Corp certification

Over the past few years, the B Corp movement has been gaining momentum. It's a good sign because this certification is all about companies making a positive impact through their business activities. However, with increased attention also come critiques, questions, and scrutiny.

And we believe that's a good thing. With numerous sustainability certifications out there, it's essential to discern the most reliable and trustworthy ones. So, let's delve into B Corp certification—what it stands for, how it can benefit you, and what limitations you might encounter. 

Short Disclaimer

Before we get started, let's set the record straight. We proudly wear the B Corp badge ourselves, so naturally, we have a positive view of the movement. But we won’t let that get in the way of providing you with an honest perspective. After all, honesty is a cornerstone of the B Corp philosophy!

That said, let's begin with a concise explanation of what B Corp is.

What Is B Corp?

The answer to this question is both straightforward and multifaceted. At its core, B Corp is a movement of organisations dedicated to "turning business into a force for good." However, it consists of several elements:

The B Corp Methodology: This comprises an extensive assessment with over 200 questions, covering five impact areas, called the B Impact Assessment (BIA). It’s at the core of the certification process and provides organisations with the scores you might have come across.

B Lab: This organisation is responsible for maintaining and developing the methodology and processing new applications. B Lab operates at both the global level and within specific regions, such as B Lab Europe or Sistema B (the South American branch). The global organisation primarily focuses on methodology development, while regional entities aim to serve and expand their local B Corp communities.

The B Corp Movement: This encompasses all the individual organisations that have obtained B Corp certification. You might have heard them collectively referred to as "B Corps," but this term specifically refers to this group of organisations.

Still with us? Excellent, because now we're diving into the most critical aspect: The benefits and considerations of B Corp certification!

The Benefits and Considerations of B Corp Certification

Often, organisations emphasise the advantages of B Corp certification, aiming to persuade others to join the club. While we wholeheartedly welcome more organisations carrying the B Corp label, we believe in providing a well-rounded picture. Ready? Here's an overview of the benefits and considerations of B Corp certification (in our humble opinion):

The Benefits:

  1. Capture and Communicate Your Impact: Many organisations opt for B Corp certification because of the assessment methodology and its outcomes. It's designed to help showcase everything you're already doing, which you can then communicate through the certificate and point scoring received at the end. This simplifies sustainability efforts in communication, a task often challenging to condense concisely.

  2. Improve Your Impact: B Corp certification comes with a framework for impact improvement. The great news? You don't need the certificate to access it, as B Lab has made it openly available.

    So even if you choose not to pursue certification, you can still benefit from these resources. By aligning your operations with B Corp principles, you can refine your sustainability initiatives, enhance your social and environmental performance, and ultimately make a more substantial positive impact.

  3. Align Your Organisational Culture: B Corp certification encourages organisations to adopt a purpose-driven approach to business. This cultural alignment transcends policies and procedures; it's about embedding a commitment to ethical and sustainable practices into your organisation's DNA. It instils a sense of purpose among employees, stakeholders, and leadership, which can drive meaningful change and inspire a shared vision of making the world a better place through business.

  4. Attract (Young) Talent: Young professionals are increasingly drawn to organisations with a strong social and environmental conscience. B Corp certification serves as a powerful magnet for talent who want their work to contribute to the greater good. It showcases your organisation as a socially responsible employer, making it more attractive to individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact through their careers.

  5. Get Ahead of the Curve: B Corp certification positions your organisation at the forefront of the sustainable business movement. By actively engaging with and adhering to B Corp's rigorous standards, you demonstrate leadership in responsible business practices. This can set you apart from competitors, enhance your reputation, and even influence industry trends by inspiring others to follow suit.

  6. Become a Community Member: B Corp certification grants you membership in a worldwide community of organisations dedicated to using business as a force for good. This network provides opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and mutual support. Being part of this community offers access to a wealth of resources, insights, and connections that can help your organisation thrive in its sustainability journey.

The Considerations:

  1. The Complexity of the Assessment: The B Corp assessment is thorough and can require a significant investment of time and effort. It involves answering over 200 detailed questions that assess various aspects of your organisation's operations, governance, and impact. For smaller organisations or those new to sustainability initiatives, this complexity can be intimidating. It's essential to allocate resources and possibly seek external expertise to navigate the assessment effectively.

  2. A Need for Available Resources: Achieving B Corp certification is more than just a one-size-fits-all process. It necessitates dedicating internal resources, including staff time and expertise, to gather data, complete the assessment, and implement necessary changes to meet B Corp's rigorous standards. Additionally, there are costs associated with the certification process, which vary depending on your organisation's size and complexity.

  3. An Uncertain Future: Sustainability standards and expectations can evolve in response to societal, environmental, and regulatory changes. This means that what qualifies as a leading sustainability practice today may need to be adapted in the future to remain relevant and effective. Organisations pursuing B Corp certification should be prepared to stay informed and adapt to evolving sustainability best practices.


At its core, B Corp Certification represents a commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices aiming to turn business into a force for good. But it’s not without its challenges. The meticulous assessment process can be intense, demanding dedicated resources and a genuine commitment to sustainability.

But on the flip side, the benefits are both tangible and transformative. B Corp certification empowers organisations to capture, communicate, and enhance their positive impact. It fosters a purpose-driven culture, attracting passionate talent eager to make a meaningful difference.

So, is B Corp certification worth it? It's a question only you can answer. It hinges on your organisation's values, vision, and readiness to embark on a journey that can be fun but also challenging at times. So, take a moment to reflect on your organisation's mission and values. Are they aligned with the mission of B Corp? If your answer is yes, then perhaps it's time to join the ranks of those who are changing the world, one responsible business decision at a time.

Want to learn more?

  • You can check out our short guide on how to become a B Corp here, or if you like longer reads check out the full version here

  • You can schedule a 30-minute call with our B Corp Expert, Daniel, free of charge by going here

  • You can check out our B Corp tailored service packages here for people that want more structural support


How to Become a B Corp


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