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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Impact branding Post-COVID

Making the Case for Impact Branding to Address Social Fabric, Social Injustice, Climate Crises in the Post-COVID Era. In addition, the European Green Deal and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) have created a regulatory framework.

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Daniel Cohen Stuart Daniel Cohen Stuart

The B Corp Journey of Factor Tachtig

We talk to friends from the movement and ask them to share their experiences and insights with us. With a bit of luck, you can apply their experiences to your own B Corp Journey. We aim to help smoothen the process for those looking to certify and be a force for good.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Impact board April ‘23

Our spring 2023 Impact board meeting was attended by Kim Cramer, Alexander Koene, Maarten Thijs, Mylene Heystek, Sita de Kruijf.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Let’s play equal.

Life can be challenging for individuals with different backgrounds and characteristics. BR-ND People collaborates with several Amsterdam-based B Corp friends to create Let's Play Equal.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Press release

Amsterdam, May 11, 2023 - Today, Let’s play equal, a team game is launched to encourage diversity, inclusion, and equality in the workplace.

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Daniel Cohen Stuart Daniel Cohen Stuart

Happy impact report 2022

We aim to help organisations by improving the human experience on earth. With this annual impact report, we share our impact in 2022, featuring reflections, facts, and figures. Also, we share our goals for 2023

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Publyon brand launch

Dr2 and Dröge & van Drimmelen rebrand to Publyon. The name Publyon incorporates the words "public" and "beyond", reflecting their determination to surpass conventional public affairs.

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Kim Cramer Kim Cramer

Waarom zetten we een andere pet op als het gaat om werk?

Onlangs werd mijn moeder 85 jaar. Een prachtige leeftijd voor een prachtige vrouw. Ze heeft veel meegemaakt in haar leven. Van oorlog tot emigratie, van huismoederen tot herintreden, van het verliezen van haar allerliefsten tot het krijgen van kleinkinderen.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

2022 in review.

As we stand at the start of 2023, it is impossible to ignore the challenges we faced in 2022. From the devastating aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the energy crisis, it is clear that these are uncertain and trying times.

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Kim Cramer Kim Cramer

Het nieuwe elan van Kinderpostzegels

Kinderpostzegels heeft met BR-ND People in 2022 een nieuwe merkstrategie opgetuigd en de Kinderpostzegelactie oktober 2022 heef online dan ook meer opgeleverd dan voorgaande jaren. In gesprek met Marlies Maasdam, Hoofd Marketing, Communicatie en Fondsenwerving Kinderpostzegels en Kim Cramer, Co-Founder BR-ND People.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Quinso rebranding.

This summer BR-ND People celebrated with the leadership team of Quinso successful delivery of the rebranding assignment. Listen to the leaders of Quinso about how they experienced working with us. Happy viewing!

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Commotion in B Corp land.

Are requirements for obtaining official B Corp status too light? Should multinationals like Evian and Nespresso be allowed to apply? Het Financieele Dagblad caused commotion in the B Corp movement - a community of more than 5,500 sustainable and social enterprises.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Strategy in to action - B Leaders for Good Summit, Rome 2022.

From 15 till 18 June I visited Rome, with my business partner Kim Cramer and some 700 other business leaders from around the globe. We attended the first impressive B for Good Leaders Summit 2022 and what a joy it was to be in the eternal city.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

B for Good Leaders Summit Rome 2022

What a great and unique event we had last week in Rome. It was beyond our imagination and we want to thank Leen Zevenbergen and Marcello Pallazi for organizing it. Open and joined-up intelligence can conquer the global challenges we are facing. Feel free to share this declaration with everyone. It was created by 700 hunderd B Leaders including Kim Cramer and Alexander Koene from BR-ND People.

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Daniel Cohen Stuart Daniel Cohen Stuart

Cool job alert!

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is the name of the game. B Coalition Amsterdam has an immediate position for an intern looking for a 6-month assignment. Our coalition consists of impact branding agency BR-ND People, Misteli creative agency and PR agency Blyde. Everyone has the same opportunities on paper. But, in real life, the cards are not distributed equally.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Our year in a nutshell

Welcome to our annual impact report! As the year ended we have finally decided to take an opportunity to look back at 2021 and share what happened. Despite the continued corona measures, we managed to have a great year, so read all about our highlights, our achievements, what we are proud to be a part of, our B Corp scores, subjects that stood out and ways we share our knowledge. We will also dive into our future goals and what we can still do to improve.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

Hoe wordt je een B Corp?

Om een B Corp certificering te behalen, moeten organisaties een nauwgezet proces doorlopen waarin hun sociale en milieuprestaties worden geëvalueerd. Hier zijn de essentiële stappen die organisaties moeten volgen om een B Corp certificering te behalen.

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Alexander Koene Alexander Koene

BR-ND Post #3

Een positieve cultuur met gelukkige medewerkers is een belangrijke succesfactor voor het bouwen van sterke merken. Met blije en gedreven mensen is het makkelijker om samen iets te bereiken. Tevreden klanten bijvoorbeeld. Of meer innovatie. Minder verzuimkosten en een betere reputatie.

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